Late Roman Shield Patterns

The Magister Peditum

This page last modified: 17 January 2016 (Exculcatores seniores link added)


The following units are listed as being under the overall command of the Magister peditum praesentalis (i.e. the Master of the Foot in the Imperial Presence; the numbers beside the names refer to Ingo Maier's numbering scheme):

12 Legiones palatinae:

98/9.21 Ioviani seniores
98/9.22 Herculiani seniores
98/9.23 Divitenses seniores
98/9.24 Tongrecani seniores
98/9.25 Pannoniciani seniores
98/9.26 Moesiaci seniores
98/9.27 Armigeri propugnatores seniores
98/9.28 Lanciarii Sabarienses
98/9.29 Octavani
98/9.30 Thebei
98/9.31 Cimbriani
98/9.32 Armigeri propugnatores iuniores

65 Auxilia palatina:

98/9.34 Cornuti seniores
98/9.35 Brachiati seniores
98/9.36 Petulantes seniores
98/9.37 Celtae seniores
98/9.38 Heruli seniores
98/9.39 Batavi [seniores] (see notes)
98/9.39.1 Mattiaci seniores (see notes)
98/9.40 Mattiaci iuniores
98/9.41 Ascarii seniores
98/9.42 Ascarii iuniores
98/9.43 Iovii seniores
98/9.44 Cornuti iuniores
98/9.45 Sagittarii nervi
98/9.46 Leones seniores
98/9.47 Leones iuniores
98/9.48 Exculcatores seniores
98/9.49 Sagittarii Tungri
98/9.50 Exculcatores iuniores
98/9.51 Tubantes
98/9.52 Salii
98/9.53 Grati
98/9.54 Felices seniores
98/9.55 Felices iuniores
98/9.56 Gratianenses seniores
98/9.57 Invicti seniores
98/9.58 Augustei
98/9.59 Iovii iuniores
98/9.60 Victores iuniores
98/9.61 Batavi iuniores
98/9.62 Bructeri
98/9.63 Ampsivarii
98/9.64 Gratianenses iuniores
98/9.65 Valentianenses iuniores
98/9.66 Reti
98/9.67 Sequani
98/9.68 Sagittarii venatores
98/9.69 Latini
98/9.70 Sabini
98/9.71 Brachiati (see notes)
98/9.72 Honoriani Atecotti seniores
98/9.73 Honoriani Marcomanni seniores
98/9.74 Honoriani Marcomanni iuniores
98/9.75 Honoriani Atecotti iuniores
98/9.76 Brisigavi seniores
98/9.77 Brisigavi iuniores
98/9.78 Honoriani Mauri seniores
98/9.79 Honoriani Mauri iuniores
98/9.80 Celtae iuniores
98/9.81 Invicti iuniores Britanniciani
98/9.81.1 [Batavi iuniores] (see notes)
98/9.82 Exculcatores iuniores Britanniciani
98/9.83 Felices Valentinianenses
98/9.84 Mattiaci iuniores Gallicani
98/9.85 Salii Gallicani
98/9.86 Sagittarii Nervii Gallicani
98/9.87 Iovii iuniores Gallicani
98/9.88 Seguntienses
98/9.89 Galli victores
98/9.90 Honoriani victores iuniores
98/9.90 Honoriani ascarii seniores
98/9.92 Felices iuniores Gallicani
98/9.92.1 [Atecotti iuniores Gallicani] (see notes)
98/9.93 Tungri
98/9.94 Honoriani Gallicani
98/9.95 Mauri tonantes seniores
98/9.96 Mauri tonantes iuniores

32 Legiones comitatenses:

98/9.98 Menapes seniores
98/9.99 Fortenses
98/9.100 Propugnatores seniores
98/9.101 Armigeri defensores seniores
98/9.102 Septimani seniores
98/9.103 Regii
98/9.104 Pacatianenses
98/9.105 Vesontes
98/9.106 Mattiarii iuniores
98/9.107 Mauri cetrati
98/9.108 Undecimani
98/9.109 Secundani Italiciani
98/9.110 Germaniciani iuniores
98/9.111 Tertiani siue Tertia Italica
98/9.112 Tertia Herculea
98/9.113 Lanciarii Gallicani Honoriani
98/9.114 Propugnatores iuniores
98/9.115 Legio Secunda Britannica siue Secundani
98/9.116 Septimani iuniores
98/9.117 Praesidienses (see notes)
98/9.118 Ursarienses
98/9.119 Cortoriacenses
98/9.120 Geminiacenses
98/9.121 Honoriani felices Gallicani
98/9.122 Tertia Iulia Alpina
98/9.123 Prima Flavia Pacis
98/9.124 Secunda Flavia Virtutis
98/9.125 Tertia Flavia Salutis
98/9.126 Flavia victrix Constantina id est Constantici
98/9.127 Secunda Flavia Constantiniana
98/9.128 Tertio Augustani
98/9.129 Fortenses

18 Pseudocomitatenses:

98/9.131 Legio Prima Alpina
98/9.132 Legio Secunda Iulia Alpina
98/9.133 Lanciarii Lauriacenses
98/9.134 Lanciarii Comaginenses
98/9.135 Taurunenses
98/9.136 Antianenses
98/9.137 Pontinenses
98/9.138 Prima Flavia Gallicana Constantia
98/9.139 Martenses
98/9.140 Abrincateni
98/9.141 Defensores seniores
98/9.142 Mauri Osismiaci
98/9.143 Prima Flavia Metis
98/9.144 Superventores iuniores
98/9.145 Constantiaci
98/9.146 Corniacenses
98/9.147 Septimani
98/9.148 Romanenses

Disclaimer: Remember, a lot of what comes below is speculation. Hopefully informed speculation, but speculation nonetheless. Comments welcome! (lukeuedasarson "at"

This should make 127 units all-told, but the 65 units of auxilia palatina are problematic; for one thing, only 64 are given (except in the Froben edition, which has 65). The Atecotti iuniores Gallicani [98/9.92.1] is not actually listed in the manuscripts, and was interpolated by Seeck (OC.V.218), because its shield pattern is clearly illustrated in the corresponding place (albeit as the Atecotti iuniores; it is only called (102/5.130) the Atecotti iuniores Gallicani in the Magister Equitum's Gallic command list); see here for commentary by Ingo Maier. Note also that Seeck listed (OC.V.163-165) three units, the Batavi seniores, Mattiaci seniores, and Mattiaci iuniores, for what appear to be just two units listed in the manuscripts, the Batavi matriciaci seniores (98/9.39) and the Mattiaci iuniores (98/9.40); Seeck was almost certainly right to do so, although he was not the first - the printed Froben edition (B), presumably edited by Rhenanus, also gives the Batavi seniores and the Mattiaci seniores (in as much as "right" refers to what the "original" Notitia compilation probably said, rather than what the copies that have come down to us actually do say).

Further, the Batavi iuniores [98/9.81.1] in between the Invicti iuniores Britanniciani (98/9.81) and the Exculcatores iuniores Britanniciani (98/9.82) is not actually listed in any of the manuscripts, but its shield pattern and accompanying label is; I have inserted it above for easy reference. As a shield pattern labelled Batavi is depicted in the correct place for the actually-listed Batavi iuniores, that labelled Batavi iuniores would seem to correspond to another unit. That its full name was the Batavi iuniores Britones and/or Batavi iuniores Britanniciani is highly probable; see my discussion here.

Note that Seeck (OC.V.241) bracketed parts of the Legio Secunda Britannica siue Secundani (98/9.115) to read as the plain Secunda Britannica; likewise the Tertiani siue tertia italica(98/9.111) was bracketed (OC.V.237) to read as the plain Tertia italica; and he also bracketed (OC.V.252) the Flavia victrix Constantina id est Constantici (98/9.126) as just the Flavia victrix Constantina. This was all in accordance with his belief the "original" Notitia was an official document devoid of abbreviations and contractions (such as "Secundani" for "Legio secunda"). The Brachiati (98/9.71) was also amended by Seeck (OC.V.196) to Brachiati iuniores; no doubt to match the Brachiati iuniores appearing in the Magister Equitum's Gallic list, despite their relative list positions being inconsistent.

The Praesidienses appear as the (98/9.117) Praesichantes in the manuscripts, but this is clearly a copying error: the letter forms look much more similar in medieval writing than in modern print fonts!.

It should be noted that there seems to be a mismatch between the shield patterns and the names accompanying them starting from the problematic Mat(t)iaci. It is apparent that the shields labelled Matiaci and Ascarii seni(ores) are essentially identical. Either they have been accidentally duplicated, or they belong to two related units. Duplication is easy for text, but barely conceivable for such an elaborate illustration. If the shield labelled Ascarii seni(ores) in fact belongs to the "missing" Mattiaci iuniores, then the shield patterns should be shifted along one position. This means the two Ascarii units have similar shields; the two Leones units similar shields, etc. See here for more details.

The units' shield patterns are first illustrated below from top to bottom, left to right, in the order given above, using the Bodleian manuscript pictures, except that only one pattern is given for the (two) Mattiaci unit(s); the three contiguous units Exculcatores seniores (98/9.48), Sagittarii Tungri (98/9.49), and Exculcatores iuniores (98/9.50) are not illustrated; and "the" Brachiati (98/9.71) also has no pattern so-labelled illustrated.

Insignia Insignia

Insignia Insignia

Insignia Insignia

Below are the corresponding pictures from the Paris manuscript:

Insignia Insignia

Insignia Insignia

Insignia Insignia

Below are the corresponding pictures from the Munich manuscript: each respective page from the first portion first, then the second. Note that the pattern for the Mattiarii iuniores (98/9.106) is missing from M, and that O has had to have been amended to accommodate it (you can see the outlines for the previously intended layout of the shields through the current ones).

Insignia Insignia

Insignia Insignia

Insignia Insignia

Insignia Insignia

Insignia Insignia

Insignia Insignia

Below are the corresponding pictures from the Froben edition:

Insignia Insignia

Insignia Insignia

Insignia Insignia

And below are the two surviving pages from the Frankfurt fragment:

Insignia Insignia


1. Maier, Ingo; "Appendix 4: Numeration of the new edition of the compilation 'notitia dignitatum' (Cnd)"; last accessed 26 October 2015. See also for here for numbering examples. Return

2. Seeck, Otto (Ed.); "Notitia Dignitatum accedunt Notitia urbis Constantinopolitanae et Latercula prouinciarum", Weidmann, Berlin, 1876; available here (last accessed 2 January 2016). Return


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