This page last modified: 18 January, 2001
Mixed retinue longbowmen protected by emplaced stakes. These figures are by Essex; a lack of variety in the poses is typical of Essex archers - everyone is at the point of arrow release with nobody loading, resting or otherwise engaged. | Most lords had very few liveried troops, and so my elements are made up of figures displaying a variety of liveries rather than each element's men looking thesame - each element is supposed to represent up to 250 men after all. |
These are all double-based elements. They are a liability in game terms but look better of the table-top since you can produce better diorama-like effects. These double bases have 7 figures each rather than the regulation 8. This allows me to stagger the rows of archers and interleave them with stakes; avoiding the "shooting the front rank in the back of the head" syndrome that is seen from the regulation 4 figures per single base in two two ranks. |
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